
What’s all the hoopla?

hoopla is a digital media service offered by Delaware Public Libraries that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! Download the hoopla app to your device, sign-in with your Delaware Library Card. Don’t have a library card yet, sign-up online today. It’s all FREE!

With no waiting, titles can be streamed immediately through your desktop browser or hoopla mobile app. You can download to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later where Wi-Fi may be unavailable. Titles are automatically returned and removed from your device at the end of the lending period.

hoopla has an abundance of titles to choose from, with more being added daily. It’s like having your Delaware public library at your fingertips. Anytime. Anywhere.

The hoopla app is available on:
Apple TV |  androidtv | fire tv | Roku | chromecast | AppStore  | Google Play | Amazon

Get Started!

  1. Visit hoopladigital.com
  2. Choose “Get Started Today” to open sign-up window
  3. Fill out your information (Email, Create Password)
  4. Type/Choose “Delaware Libraries”
  5. Choose “Next”
  6. Enter your library card number (account number)
  7. That’s it!

Tip: When registering for the first time, search for Delaware Libraries (individual libraries aren’t always listed).

It’s a brand-new way to explore great online content using your Delaware Library Card – and a lot of it! Get unlimited streaming for 7 days with a single borrow. Just update your hoopla app and tap the “More” in the bottom navigation to view hoopla BingePass. hoopladigital.com/browse/binge
For the last seven days of each calendar month, hoopla users will be able to choose from a selection of TV shows, movies, comics and manga, eBooks, and audiobooks without using their monthly borrows.


There are 4 borrows allowed per month (by budget). If you check out 4 items within the first week of the month, then you’ve used your limit for that month. It will reset at the beginning of the next month. Note: Even if you check out an item and return it early, that still counts as a borrow towards the 4 item borrows limit. Bonus Borrows do not count against your 4 borrows. Explore Bonus Borrows during the last 7 days of each calendar month!

Only if you have a My First Delaware Library Card or the Super Library Card. These two are restricted from borrowing items considered mature content as follows:

  • Borrowing for Television rated TV14 or worse will be prohibited.
  • Borrowing for Parental Advisory Music will be prohibited.
  • Borrowing for Movies rated PG13 or worse will be prohibited.
  • Borrowing for Comics rated T or worse will be prohibited.

While playing a title, at the bottom of each title page on the hoopla mobile app or within each content player on the hoopla website, there is a link or icon where you can report an issues or ask a question.

Using submit feedback is another way to get hoopla assistance. At the bottom of the hoopla website is a “submit feedback” link that can be used to start a support ticket. On your mobile device this is found by pressing the help icons, (!) or (?) under “Settings”.


Thank You!
New Castle County for your support of Delaware Libraries!