We connect you with the technology and/or social service resources you need. Borrow a Chromebook, a Wi-Fi or both! Need a private space for an appointment? Reserve a booth for free offering privacy to take job interviews or talk to health professionals.
Need a private space to conduct a telehealth appointment, connect with behavioral health & substance use support, a virtual job interview or a legal appointment? Delaware Libraries offer accessible, quiet, private spaces equipped with a laptop, high-speed internet. Specialists are also available certain times during the week to assist you with any questions you may have. Walk-In Specialist Schedule at the Library | You can RESERVE a time at a Delaware Libraries space.
It’s FREE with your Delaware Library Card.
Note: You are not guaranteed a same day appointment. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Have questions? Contact Ask a Librarian:
Text: (302) 613-7477
Call: (302) 257-3030
At Delaware Libraries you can borrow technology! Need a WiFi or Chromebook? Each device comes with a case and chargers that can be borrowed for one week.
If you do not have a Library Card : Sign up today!
Substance Abuse Help: helpisherede.com
Behavioral health & Substance Use Support: DSAMH website
If you are having a psychiatric or substance abuse crisis and need assistance, please contact Mobile Crisis Intervention Services (MCIS):
Tele-behavioral health (or online therapy) –
Help in getting Medicaid in Delaware
Reserve a Space Options:
General Resources
Community Resources:
Behavioral Health Substance Use Disorder: contact your local VA and ask about behavioral health/ substance abuse support.
Employment Resources:
Education Resources
Certificate Programs
Do you need assistance with food, your energy bill or any other social need? We can connect you to the right place to get you the help you need!
Fill out the form for access to a secure, coordinated network of community resources, powered by Unite Us, for assistance. A specialist will contact you as soon as possible.
Since the onset of Covid we have all grown accustomed to virtual meetings and remote services. But what if you don’t have a cell phone or a computer at home? What if you are experiencing homelessness but need to attend a job interview? This episode is about bridging the economic and digital divide. The NNLM is the outreach arm of the National Library of Medicine
Full Podcast: nnlm.gov/podcast/telehealth-kiosks-a-story-from-region-1
Get a Library Card…It’s easy! It’s Free!