Tonies at Delaware Libraries

What is a tonie & toniebox?

The Toniebox is a soft, screen-free speaker for children. Using magnetic figurines called Tonies, toddlers and young children can navigate storytelling and music independently, opening up their world to a library of education and entertainment. It is a kid-safe media platform filled with content from premium partners including National Geographic, Penguin Random House, and LeVar Burton. In addition, original Tonies® content offers hours of storytelling, songs, mindfulness activities and more. Tonies help bring on-demand, screen-free education to children.

Learn more at

Check out a Toniebox kit or Tonie (figurine)
You can borrow a Toniebox kit, and Tonies free with your library card for up to 1 week with 3 renewals allowed.
Search the Delaware Library Catalog – Starts 5/11/2022
Holds are not allowed on Toniebox kits or Tonies (figurines).
Please note: Lost Toniebox will be billed to your account for $100; for each Tonie $15; for charger $15.

The Toniebox is designed for independent play by children ages 3 and older. Younger children can also enjoy the Toniebox experience with proper adult supervision.

Designed just for kids ages 3 and up, the Toniebox is a great companion for independent play. The controls are designed with little listeners (and little hands) in mind, so kids can easily adjust volume, fast forward, rewind and change stories all on their own.
  • Squeeze an ear to raise or lower the volume.
  • Tap the sides to change chapters or tilt to fast-forward or rewind.
  • Even swapping stories is simple. Just place a different Tonie on the box to begin a new adventure!

Includes a Toniebox, Tonie (figurine) GoNoodle-Mindfulness, and charger.

  • GoNoodle – Mindfulness (in the kit)
  • Aladdin
  • Counting Songs Fox
  • LeVar Burton
  • Mickey Mouse
  • National Geographic Whale
  • Pinocchio
  • Rapunzel
  • Sesame Street Elmo

Search the catalog starts 5/11/2022!

Thank you!

Through a partnership with State Representative Bryan Shupe of Milford, the international company known as Tonies®, have donated 3 boxes to each public library for piloting and testing this device with their youngest patrons. This partnership continues Delaware’s commitment to young readers, following the statewide expansion of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in 2020 championed by First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney.