Delaware Libraries


The submission period for our 14th volume, IMAZINE 2024, is NOW OPEN and closes December 31, 2024!

Want to contribute?

Teens between the ages of 12 to 19 can be part of the excitement. If you are interested in contributing to the Teen Magazine, we would love for you to send us your work! To register as a Contributor, please complete a quick Google form. Once your form is completed, email all magazine submissions (written work, scanned photography, artwork images, etc.) to

Submission deadline: December 31, 2024
Open to youth aged 12-19 at time of submission who live in or go to school in Delaware.
  • All work submitted should be appropriate for viewing by a teen audience.
  • We are accepting both written submissions and artwork, including drawings and photography. Examples of written material include short stories, poems, book reviews, and nonfiction articles.
  • There is a 1,500 word limit on written submissions. All written submissions must be in Microsoft Word or accessable through a Google Doc.
  • You may submit up to 3 pieces per category (art & writing).
  • If your submission is fan fiction or fan art you must tell us what intellectual property it is based on (i.e. a TV show or graphic novel).
  • Fill out a quick Google form then email all magazine submissions to
  • The print magazine will show the top Library staff-selected submissions. The online magazine will show all accepted submissions. You will be notified if your submission is accepted.

Please Note:
  • Not all work submitted will be published; editors reserve the right to choose which pieces will be published in each issue.
  • At the discretion of the editors, minor changes may be made to the work for publication purposes.
  • All materials submitted become the property of the Delaware Library System. By submitting your work to us, you are giving the Delaware Library System the nonexclusive right to publish your work in any format, including all print, electronic and online media. All individual contributors to Delaware Libraries’ Teen Magazine (IMAZINE) retain the right to submit their work for non-exclusive publication elsewhere.


Current Issue:


The annual issues of IMAZINE back issues are available! Read all these awesome volumes online, or stop in at your local library to view or check-out an issue.​

IMAZINE(I’m •  ah •  zEEn)